Heads up! Show pics.

Photos (the good ones at least) by Amy Caterina Hill http://www.amycaterina.com

My "Heads up!" show will be up until April 6. This exhibit pays tribute to some of the Games, comics, and films that inspired me to become an artist. Marvel and Capcom figure largely in my inspiration list and as a surprise for the show I completely refurbished an original Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 Arcade cabinet including, custom artwork featuring several Characters from the game! If your a fan of the X-men, Street Fighter, Lord of the Rings, Indiana Jones, The Transformers, Thundercats, Evangelion,  Marvel Vs. Capcom or all of the above I think you owe it to yourself to check out the show. =)
P.S. everything including the Custom Game cabinet is for sale and selling out. Hope to see ya there.